Freelancers Love FreeUp

FreeUp helps thousands of freelancers around the world build their business and find new clients for their services. 40% of freelancers are in the US, 40% are in the Philippines, and the 20% remaining are from 30+ other countries.

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20,000+ businesses


Freelancer Stories

Learn how these freelancers are finding new clients, growing their business, and hiring top talent through FreeUp.

Ana | Freelancer from the Philippines

Ana started freelancing at a young age offering her marketing and virtual assistant services to clients all over the world. When she found FreeeUp, she quickly expanded her business, took on new clients, and became a top freelancer on the platform.

Megan | Marketing and Content Specialist

Megan made a big decision to quit her 9 to 5 and move full time to running her freelance business. With the help of FreeeUp, she was able to make a smooth transition. Listen to her full story in this 1 on 1 interview with FreeUp's CEO, Nathan Hirsch.

Wade | Digital Marketing Freelancer

Learn how Wade uses FreeUp to find new clients and grow his freelance business focused on content and digital marketing.

Jesse | Digital Marketing Expert

Listen to how Jesse's first three weeks on the FreeUp platform went. From finding new clients to interacting with the internal team to the interview and application process.

Anthony | Expert Digital Marketing Freelancer

Anthony uses the FreeUp Marketplace to find new marketing clients for his freelance business. Anthony loves the marketplace because there is less competition, it's simple to apply to new projects, and he can grow by hiring other talented marketers.

Samantha | Remote Marketing Freelancer

Samantha is a remote freelancer originally from the US, but currently traveling abroad. With FreeeUp, Samantha has been able to build her own content agency that services clients all around the world.

Jules | Amazon Expert Freelancer

Jules joined the FreeUp Marketplace looking for some part time Amazon consulting work. After only 1 year on the platform, Jules ended up turning full time and building out his own Amazon consulting agency.

FreeUp Freelancer Meetup Manila 2018

FreeUp hosted its first Freelancer MeetUp in Manila, Philippines in March 2018. The meetup brought together 100+ freelancers to share stories, discuss the future of FreeeUp, and meet in person.

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